Breeders of Miniature Australian Shepherds since 1990.
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We have relocated from San Diego, California to beautiful Aurora, Missouri!!!
WE HAVE PUPPIES!!! Contact Linda For Availability!
You will be asked to fill out our puppy application if you are interested in obtaining one of our puppies.
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Dear God,
Please hold our troops in your loving hands. Please protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask as special blessing for those families who will have an empty chair at their family tables as the Soldier that would usually sit there has given the ultimate sacrifice in the service of his or her country. Amen
Thank you for you visiting my wonderful and beautiful Miniature American Shepherds! I must warn you - they are addicting! I acquired my first "Mini" in 1990 and never had any intentions of breeding again (I used to breed standard size Aussies in the 60's - 70's and knew how much work it could be!) but everywhere I took "Rags", people either wanted to buy her or asked if I was ever going to breed her. I finally decided that it was selfish to keep such a wonderful discovery to myself and decided to share them with others who loved the Australian Shepherd intelligence and devotion but wished it in a smaller size. I had been involved in owning and breeding Australian Shepherds since 1968 and have devoted myself to just the Miniature Aussie now since 1990. I acquired my first "Standard" Aussie in the summer of 1968 when I was training horses and traveling on the Quarter Horse Circuit. I was mesmerized by this very charming and extremely intelligent little “blue girl with the blue eyes” that was given to me by someone who couldn’t keep her and she became so close to me that I could swear that she could read my mind. I became hooked on the breed and my favorite phrase was coined, “Once you have an Aussie, you can’t go back!” She was my constant companion for many years and went with me everywhere I went. I started breeding on a very small scale at that time and, in looking back, all of my dogs during that time would have been at around the 17 to 18 inch range which is the higher end of the mini range now. In fact, many of the “Standard Aussies” that I saw at that time were smaller than many that you see now. During my early adulthood and time with my family and raising my kids, my dogs were mostly just family pets and companions and I wasn’t involved in any organized “dog fancy”. I continued to train and judge horses for 36 years in all breeds and disciplines from Western and Hunters to Gaited and Dressage until I sustained major knee damage which put an end to my beloved riding days. Now that my family is grown and gone, I am single again and still trying to decide "what I want to be when I grow up", my life has truly “gone to the dogs”. For the past ten years I have been very heavily involved in the NAMASCUSA Club which was the first club solely devoted to the Miniature Australian Shepherd as a breed. I am a past-president and current Board Member of the club which is working very hard to help bring about expanded activities for those who, like myself, become hooked on these little guys. I have become quite active in showing in Conformation and am supporting all of my puppy/dog owners who are doing the various more “active” events for which I am limited because of my knee injuries. What started out as my “little hobby” has become my “full time passion” and has pretty much taken over my life. I consider that a “good thing” and have met many wonderful individuals and families who, by virtue of adopting one of my “kids”, have become part of my much treasured extended family. Although I thoroughly enjoy showing my dogs, I do not primarily raise these dogs just for show. I do strive to produce dogs that can win among the best of the breed, but an equally important part of my breeding program involves producing highly intelligent, easily trainable, beautiful companions to become members of loving families. Patchwork puppies are well known throughout the country for having exceptional temperaments. It is my firm belief that every child should grow up with the experience of being loved unconditionally by a dog. I know of no other creature - including human - on this Earth that mirrors the type of love given to us by our Creator, God. Is it just an accident that dog is the mirror image or GOD spelled backwards?
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©1999-2007 Patchwork Farms ~~ This site is maintained by Linda Perry. |